Over a year of intermittent blogging

Gaurav Lele
2 min readOct 18, 2021

A year ago I wrote the following post — After 75 Days of Regular blogging before reducing the time I allot to regular blogging, politics and social media in general (esp Twitter).

So how has it gone ? Good enough, though I would want to be slightly more regular and disciplined in my time allocation. I currently have over 10 drafts pending on Brownpundits and I am not sure whether I will write about them (Hopefully I will).

In the meanwhile I have completed the first draft of a novel I have been working on (its still a long way from complete — it needs multiple additions and editions), read around 23 books (including 9 histories from around the world). At current speed I would reach 30 by the end of the year. Maybe I will write a blogpost or two about these (including reviews).

Coming back to blogging, since I decided to take a break from blogging I have written 10 blogposts, some of them which are worth highlighting are :

On identifying with the label “Liberal” over “Conservative”
Monkey see — Monkey Do ?
Guess values, Priors and Science
Hindutvavadis are not Bhakts
Hindutva, Asabiya and Apostacy
Why the Aryan debate matters and why it should NOT

Early Hinduism — the epic stratification

Most of my writings can be found on either this platform or Brownpundits. Also I conducted two podcasts from Brownpundits as a host and was part of one a guest. Particularly the podcast I recorded with Shazia Ilmi was a interested experience for her somewhat aggressive style of debating.

Some of my previous noteworthy post (IMO) are:

CAA — the straw that broke the camel’s back (also published on Newslaundry)
The counterproductive illiberalism
Are Hindu Atheists more Plural?
Troubles and politics of the billionaire author.
What is Brahmanical about Indian Patriarchy?
From OIT to AIT
Hindu Integration: Brahmanas and Gramadevadas

Post Script:

The reason for this blogpost is digital self-reflection and summary of the previous year.



Gaurav Lele
Gaurav Lele

Written by Gaurav Lele

Skeptic | Wildlife enthusiast | Aspiring writer | Potterhead

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